Saturday, September 18, 2010


Night is the time of the powerful,
waiting for the doors to open
conceited, and dark.
and those too heavenly to see it
are shunned away in the dark manor of fear.

Have you ever wondered
what a small bird
with her yellow beak and claws,
blinded by the dark of the night
feels when a door is shut on her
and she has no place to go?

Every cell of the sparrow
cried in despair
and the fact she was lost remained,
lingering in the dark corridors of the night.

'Let me in' , cried the bird
'Help me please, ' wailed  the helpless.

In vain, though , she waited
before the door
for it would never open
the masters were too keen to have peace
to spare a few chirps for the poor to weep.

Inch by inch,
the sparrow's beak closed the distance to the door
and inch by inch,
she grew more remorse.

Night truly is the time of power,
the time of  talon and claws,
the time too scary for the innocent.

And so is the truth of life,
the night shall prevail for ever and ever more
and none shall survive except the survivors.

Is the world so ruthless
that the power is worshiped
and pitiful is kicked away?

God didn't make foes,
God created brothers
so is this the secret of brotherhood?

Fear the profane
scare the lousy dame?

Where's your justice now, O'human?
why's your science hibernating?
where are the answers you seek?
where is omnipotent, benevolent Almighty?

I ask these questions
not to clear my quandary.
I ask them to annihilate your mudded minds
and fill them with humanity.

Faith is not going to help you
survive an explosion.
Truth is not going to 
save you from death.

So O' creature of the Holiest Saint
O'blood lusty creature of technology!
open your eyes and broaden your minds
for yours is the world
and only your is the will to survive.

Be human and help the weak
'cause even Romans had a heart.
Be human and save the world
for the end is near.
Be human and practice humanity,
for someday you might be the one
being the target of profanity
and then shall you realize 
the true purpose of a human
the true value of humanity!

Thursday, September 9, 2010


It is a strange place, this world,
where people scoff at you
for your foolery
but conveniently forget
your greatest wisdom.

Triumph gives you
all the superior friends
while failure
gives you a lonely enviornment.

In the same instant
you can become
from a best friend
to the world's biggest moron.

In an instant 
the world can become
from a friendly humane manuscript
to a zombie inhabitation.

In an instant
the sky can turn
from a sunny harbour 
to a begrudging black curtain.

In an instant
your greatest talent
can make your buddy
change from a companion
to an envious opponent.

In an instant
your life can become
from a piece of cake
to a moonwalk.

In an instant
you can become
from the greatest God
to the filthiest demon.

And in an instant
your life can become
from a happily-ever-after fairytale
to a Biss zur Mittagstunde! 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


In the dark forest I stood
engulfed by darkness
from the canopy
of the trees.

Vision was zero
and all I could see was darkness,
darkness that was surrounding me
from all directions.

Tried all the things, I did
Gayatri Mantra was on my tips
chants of Krisna on my lips
but none gave confidence to me.

Suddenly sensed something around me
and when I went a bit ahead.
His face I saw, shining like
the only star in the darkened sky.

My heart lurched at the sight of Him
true devotion it was I realized then
What in the heavens was happening to me?
Was that light meant only for me?

Just then I realised I could feel
the happiness of Budhha on attaining enlightenment
because I felt I could sense
that same circle of enlightenment around me.

'Cause only His Face could give me strength
which I was looking for
in that dark forest.

The sight of His face
made me want to live again
and forget the moments I had spent
in that dark forest.

If the darkness be the difficulty of life
then His face will be the solutions for tough times.
If the canopy be the closed doors
then His face will be the handles
to open those doors leading to a new life.

So O'noble men! listen
if in life you find yourself
in front of those locked doors
then crave in the darkness
for the sight of His face
'cause that is the face that will lead you
to the open gates!


Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Happy endings don't always mean happy endings.
Everyday I thank life for making me realize that
happy endings only exist in fairy tales.

Every Cindrella doesn't get a Charming Prince.
Every sleeping beauty is not woken up by
the Prince's kiss.
Every Ariel doesn't become the queen of Atlantis.

It's not important tha you get happiness
after every suffering.
Sometimes there is no peace to end the raging war.

Every mirror doesn't tell your true beauty
Every apple doesn't mean death.
Every fairytale doesn't mean dream
each happy moment doesn't mean a happy ending.

Each life is not better than death
Each kiss is not better than the end
Each happy moment is not better than happy ending.

Each buck is not a dollar
Each Sapphire is not a blue diamond.
Each tusk is not ivory.
Each happy moment is not
happy ending.

For happy endings don't always
comprise of happiness.
Ending can be tragedy
Ending can be life
Ending can be Biss zur mittagstunde.

So you'll do better by grasping this fact
that happy endings are a page in a fairytale
like writing THE END at the end of a
tragic manuscript
like embracing life at the point of death
like kissing love at the point of the end!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


There is a day
after every night.
There is a light
after every dark.
There is a hope
after every loss.
There is a life
after every death.

There is a happiness
after every misery
There is a party
after every disaster.
There is a way
after every end.

There is a love
after every hatred
There is a life
after every death.

There is an up
after every down.
There is a heaven
after every hell.
There is a smile
after every tear.
There is a life
after every death.


Why does it happen
that even in a thousand leaves
one is the most significant?

Why does it happen
that even in a million people
you cannot hide?

Why does it happen
that even among the most talented
you are the unique one?

The answer is simple,
You are one in a million.
You matter the most
for you are different.

You are one in a million
and nothing's wrong in that
So make yourself seen
Your opinion matters the most.

You can change the world,
You can change all lives,
You can't hide,
'cause you are one in a million!

Sunday, August 22, 2010


The rain that falls
with thuds for splatters
remind me of all the downfalls in life.

Ironic the way everything falls down
never goes up for more than a few minutes.
Seems pretty personal the way water extinguishes everything
but fails when it comes in front of fire.

Love can extinguish every other emotion but hatred.
Bloodshed is the truth of life.
Violence is the ultimate peace.
Destruction the ultimate construction.

So ironic that people remember
the dictator Hitler
but not the warrior Napoleon.

How ironic that great and good today are one.
A common misconception.
Great is success.
Good is heart.

Ironic the way
everyone believes in God
and knows nothing about Him.

How ironic the way
people hate demonic
but practice Satanism
in every thought.

How ironic the way
people manifest bravery
but tremble at the sight of death.

How ironic the way
there's life after death,
peace after death,
but no peace in life.

So shall there never be light?
A dark Church
with no Copernicus
for what it's worth?

Let there be life
diplomacy not hypocrisy
'cause this world is dead enough
without a slaughterhouse round every corner.

Let there be life
coz death's a bloodshed
and none likes a tear.
Let there be truth
coz this life, believe me or not,
in itself is a huge lie.
Let there be hope
coz that, ultimately,
is the ruler of every kingdom!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

ahoy: DREAMS

ahoy: DREAMS

ahoy: DREAMS


Dreams are not fantasies
dreams are not blueprints
of the World Trade Centre,
construction plan for Hollywood.

Dreams are the building blocks of life,
the pass- time in a boring class,
the throne in every castle,
the thought in every mind.

Dreams attract 9/11's,
dreams bomb Hiroshima-Nagasaki,
dreams require Pearl Harbour
but dreams form the Mother Earth .

Dreams build Titanic,
dreams direct 'Remember Me',
dreams make Miley Cyrus
and dreams make this Earth.

Dreams are truth of life,
dreams are fantasies in Twilight
dreams are the pageant of a contest,
dreams are James Cameron.

So dream
for it's important,
dream for it's necessary,
dream for without.... dreaming
the world will come to a stand still.

Dream for it's your right,
 dream for without dreaming
there is no life.

Dream for world itself is a dream,
dream for it's the ultimate truth.
May you dream
and thus attain enlightenment.


Saturday, July 3, 2010


Another flower sprinkles dust,
Another cloud shifts in the sky,
Another life lifts from earth,
and the world goes on.

Let the ray of sunshine
bring a new life with it.
Let the swirl of wind
bring a new joy in life.

Heal the world with love,
spread happiness not gold,
radiate warmth to lifeless,
give hope to hopeless.

Humanity will reward,
hatred will kill,
love will heal,
detest will harm.

So heal every man,
giving him love
to give him life.
Be human
to spread humanity
and help the world
to the greatest extent!


Far away
where a few can reach, 
there is a place
where I want to be.

A heaven for some,
a challange for few,
a dream for others,
a destiny for me.

It's impossible to reach it, some say;
you'll gain nothing out there, many say;
you're crazy, others say;
It's my destiny, I say.

Failure and success are present together,
we meet them both
but see only one.

We see what our heart makes us see.
For many, failure is death;
for few, failure is a path to success.

It's in your eyes
whether you see
a dead-end
or a passage
wriggling out of the dust.

Your choices will lead you
where you want to be
and I choose
what I feel is right for me.

I love success
more than I fear failure
and I know
my sight will show me
not failure waiting ahead
but a success
hidden in the muck of failure
so that I can grab
the gold within the dirt
and fulfill my dreams
and succeed to the height of success!


I begin my solitary journey
Journey to the top of the world,
journey to where I belong
Journey where fear of failure is forbidden.

I knew there will be a point
when I would want to turn back
to the life I once lived
but I'll have to move on
because there is no going back.

There is only one door now,
the door to fulfill my dreams,
the door vivid in my mind,
the door nowhere in sight.

I have to move on
past this darkness
upto the world of glamor
where only a few reach.

There is always a possibility
I would not succeed
but I gotta keep on moving
'cause the path I've chosen to live
lays ahead
and the path for failures
is the one I've just left behind.

I gotta keep on moving
keep on climbing
every other mountain
to open the door
I had once imagined
in a fabulous dream!


Stars shining overhead
reminding me of his face
the sparkle in his eyes
and the crooked smile on his face.

The moon's light
made my tears sparkle
as I remembered the days
I had spent seeing his face.

The sun that showed up in the sky
reminded me of his golden eyes.
and the chirping of sparrows overhead
reminded me of his honey sweet voice.

Pale faced just like the sky outside
and fast as the thunder at night
I felt the walls shake
as my knees finally gave way.

As my head hit the floor
instead of stars, I saw his face
and that was the last thing I saw
before I closed my eyes to the dusty floor!


A few leaves fell from the nearby tree
as he finally kissed me on forehead
then with a sound lower than the rustle of leaves
he left to never to come back again.

I stood there rooted to the spot
tears trickling down my eyes
mourning my life
that had just walked away.

Days felt like years
when he was not there
to embrace me in his arms
and cling me to his chest.

Loneliness that had felt like solitude once
now felt like a depression hard to overcome.
tears that I had always kept in control
now leaked out on their own accord.

As months passed by
numbness took over pain
until I was
as lifeless as a corpse.

No pain , no fear, only numbness
was all I could feel
as I sat alone
staring at the life that would never be filled again.

Memories faded as the time passed by
but even though my heart beat
I could not feel my blood pulsing through my veins.

Somehow, I knew I had to survive
for others who had suffered no pain
and for those who had suffered no loss.

I was alive on outside
but dead from inside.
but I knew one thing for sure
that I had to survive
to let the others survive!

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Life is a mystery,
every breath a  miracle, 
every tear an emotion,
and every smile a heaven.

Life is uncertain
one moment its hell,
another moment its heaven.

Life has no explanation.
It  is honey-sweet,
it is bitter and sour,
it is love and sorrow.

life is heaven,
life is hell,
then how is it
different for everyone?

we see love,
we see pain,
and on the whole


Miracles happen
when you least expect them.
Happiness comes
when the pain is so intense
only the last ray of hope
keeps you alive.

When all doors close
a trapdoor appears
that leads you
to your destination.

As we descend the steps
pain lessens
and excitement takes over.

When we finally reach the place
the smile on our lips
pushes every grief away.


Sunday, April 18, 2010


The world is such a beautiful place
where the brightest of days 
turn into the darkest of nights.

People are so wonderful;
they turn your most buoyant of moods
into the gloomiest of nights.

God is so sacred a thing
who loves those who kill
and kill those who love.

I'm not arrogant,
I'm just right;
I don't hate,
I just support the right.

I'm not proudy,
I just observe;
I'm not wrong,
I just keep calm.

I'm not one of those 
who pretend to love
and leave at the 
time of need.

I'm one of those 
who stay backstage
and come out 
at the time of need.

I love all
but I love myself too much to grieve.
I cry over them
but I love my dignity
too much to cry in front of them.

You are my life
but my friends are too good
to let me remember you.

I can compete
but I hate injustice 
too much to win.

I feel disgust 
but I love too much to feel it.
So, in the end, 
I must confess
that despite that love
I hate you!