Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Never think of how it might end.
It only makes going forth

Never feel your way forth.
Touch can sense roadblocks
Sight can see the road beyond.

Never wonder what the way holds.
Illusions are only seldom true.

Never stop believing until you have reached the end.
Being stuck in the middle
not knowing
is worst than
getting off the wrong end.
Never be afraid of a mess.
Messier the life,
 more righteous the path.

Never wonder whether something is possible or not.
to those who aspire,
anything seemingly possible
is never worth aspiring.

Never be disappointed for letting yourself down.
Act forth
and pick yourself up again.

Never be discouraged by your falls.
It’s a chance to
improvise your walk.

Never let go.
Or you’ll never know
what you might’ve got.

Never just believe,

Never plan too much,
It only fills up pages
Never fills up life.

If you lose, you’ll be able to stand again.
 If you win, you’ll have deserved it!