Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Veni, Vedi, Vinci;
I came, I saw, I conquered.
I dreamt, I created, I flunked.
I learnt, I copied, I succeeded.

Blindly we follow traditions
with no knowledge of their reasons
sabotaging their purpose
and slaughtering their integrity.

A single word that has ceased to exist.

Human race 
is not becoming selfish.
Human race 
is losing the value of self.

Self sacrifice we speak of
but what will you sacrifice
when you have no self?

'Ideas come to life'
and are slained
by the Peter Keatings of this Earth.

Honesty, Purity of Heart, Love...
meaningless, purposeless talks.

Honesty is not spilling one's beans.
Honesty is being true to one own self.
To proudly speak your opinion.

Purity of heart does not mean 
cleansing heart with a bleach
or going to Amarnath, Mecca, Vatican.
Purity of heart 
is the ability of being able to define self.

Lone one self.
Love one's dignity.

I is not a curse.
I is Creationism.
I is truth.

I is SELF!