Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Fear of failure,
Fear of being alone,
Fear of being wrong.

The one sure shot way
to ensure failure – “FEAR”.

The one way self carved
leading to self destruction.

Fear is the power to lose,
The amazing delusion of
‘I can’t so I won’t.’

The perfect enigma of depression,
The perfect excuse for escapism.

Fear kills everything-
Your mind, your heart.

Fear kills the chances
to win,
to be you.

Everything was once considered impossible.

Fear a factor to be crushed,
To be killed-

Mistakes make a human,
Errors make greatmen.

“to err is human”
To fear is devil.

Control fear
before fear controls you.

Shaft your fear away
And take that first step

Don’t let fear keep you
from being you.

Because come that day, my friend,
There would be no more Steve Jobs
And no more Julian Assanges.
There would be no Galileos
to burn on the pyre for their beliefs,
No more Ayn Rands to fight for the system

Be the change you want to make,
Believe in your mind
Believe in your brains

More the strugglers,
Greater is the certainty
You are on the right path

Judge your success
Not by applause
But by your sweat

‘ I fear not death
As much as I love life’

Assault fear,
Sabotage its approach

And be the you,
You want to be!