Saturday, March 10, 2012

To my readers!

On the event of my blog crossing 1000 views, I want to thank all my readers for their support and a special thanks to all my members. This means a lot to me. 
I began blogging as a passion and now that passion has responded back. Thank you for making this a success.  
I promise that I will retain the respect for my work and a true devotion to poetry.
Keep Blogging!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Strength or dignity?

Yes I believe in the power of destiny
but I also believe in the power of choices.

I believe in practicality
but I also believe 
in the power of belief!

I stand at a fork
both ways are less traveled
but one way requires dignity
the other strength.

Each as prestigious
but only one to be chosen.

So I choose dignity
for strength will always follow.
I choose belief
for 'will' will always follow...